Deniz polisinden Adalar çevresinde 'deniz taksi' denetimi

Founded in 2015 as a spin-off of the ODTÜ BiyoMEMS research group, Cellsway focuses on the development of microfluidics and chip-based laboratory systems for biomedical applications. With a vision to become a global player in the field of biomedical microsystem technology, the company's mission is to commercialize its knowledge and patented technology into innovative solutions addressing unmet needs in the field of cancer and to set the gold standard for cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Cellsway is developing a liquid biopsy platform that uses a simple blood sample to assist clinicians in monitoring cancer, guiding treatment, and drug selection. The patented microfluidic technology in this platform enables the rapid and efficient isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) from the blood sample, followed by the identification and characterization of CTCs using downstream analysis tests developed by the company. This provides clinically actionable data for cancer diagnosis, treatment selection, and patient monitoring.

Mustafa Keçeli, Managing Director of APY Ventures, commented on the investments, saying, "Working on deep tech solutions in the healthcare sector is challenging for entrepreneurs both in terms of time and cost, but Cellsway stands out positively from its competitors with its commercialized product. We are very happy to be part of this success story, which we believe will write many chapters ahead as we shape the Bilişim Vadisi and Ostim GSYF managed by us."

British News Agency


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