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According to the data from the report prepared by Research and Markets regarding cranes needed for lifting and easy transportation of heavy construction materials in every construction site, it is expected that the crane market, which was $36.55 billion in 2022, will reach $46.08 billion by 2027, with a 4.7% increase. Yıldırım Kule Vinç also took on the distribution of China-based Dahan Technology in 2022 and recently met with 80 business partners at the Istanbul Wish More Hotel.

The report highlights that industrialization, urbanization, and rapid economic growth in developing countries contribute to increased spending on construction activities worldwide. The report underscores the preference for cranes to ensure safe working conditions on construction sites and minimize human loss. An increase in the use of cranes for faster and more efficient material transportation is expected. Haluk Yıldırım, Managing Partner of Yıldırım Kule Vinç, who established a significant commercial partnership with China-based Dahan Technology, said, "We met on October 18 to discuss our trade relations between Turkey and China, the position of the tower crane sector in this market, the needs, and the solutions that new developments will bring to our industry."

“Cranes are crucial for fast and safe construction sites”

Haluk Yıldırım, Managing Partner of Yıldırım Kule Vinç, said, "In 2022, we signed a distribution agreement with one of China's largest crane manufacturers, Dahan Technology. Our trade relationship between China and Turkey is growing every day, contributing to the strengthening of our economy. Our goal is to intensify trade with China and expand this important network with constantly renewing strategies. Within this framework, we discussed the latest developments in crane technology at our meeting. Dahan Technology introduced us to their best products and services. With our motto 'We take you to the top,' we use our 30 years of experience to enter into international partnerships and breathe new life into our industry. We have combined our engineering expertise and experience to scale solutions for the increasing industry needs. We provide services such as crane installation, rental, and repair. This is supported by 24/7 technical support, meticulous craftsmanship, and safety standards. We promptly adopt new technologies and expand our service range to provide quick solutions. We work at high speed to offer the best service and the most competitive prices."

"We aim to achieve new successes with Yıldırım Kule Vinç”

Xihua Liu, Marketing Director of Dahan Technology, stated that they held a strategic partnership and brand promotion event in Istanbul and expressed their thoughts on the event as follows:

"In Istanbul, we aim to achieve new successes with our strategic partnership with Yıldırım Kule Vinç and our focus on the company's development level, intelligent production level, and post-sales service details. With our professional staff, we focus on the company's development status, the level of intelligent production, and post-sales service details. Invited by Yıldırım Kule Vinç, we presented our strategic partnership medal in Istanbul at our meeting with more than 80 professionals from the construction and machinery industry. With this meeting, which we consider as a new beginning, we intend to make an even greater contribution to the construction in Istanbul through the partnership with Yıldırım Kule Vinç and a win-win system."

British News Agency


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